Risk Management…the What, Why, And How

Risk Management…the What, Why, and How

What Is Risk Management? Risk Management is the process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of its…

2005 Survey: The Top Challenges Facing Business Analysts

Business Improvement Architect’s research survey of Business Analysts attending Project World/Business Analyst World 2005 in Toronto, Canada, identified that ‘Lack of Clarity in the Scope of the Business Functions’ and…

How Consulting Partners Can Grow Your Business

How Consulting Partners Can Grow Your Business

Leading companies are turning to independent consultants for the cutting-edge skills they require to eliminate inefficiencies and better align with customer demand. I recently read an interesting new report from…

Leadership That Inspires

Leadership that Inspires

Great leadership doesn’t mean you have to have a dynamic, outgoing personality. Some great leaders are introverts and others are extroverts. There are leaders who are great networkers and others…