Creating a Total Performance Management™ System
Our unique Total Performance Management™ System is designed to capture and assess all employee efforts and align them with desired organizational results. It includes work performed on special assignments and projects as well as leadership behaviours to promote innovation.
Total Performance Management™ System Process
The Business Improvement Architects Total Performance ManagementT System includes 4 stages:
First Stage: Performance Planning
We work with you to incorporate the organization’s strategic goals into a performance management program for employees.
Second Stage: Performance Development
This stage ensures that employees and their manager agree on the overall goals for the position and identify the tools necessary to help the employee meet their performance objectives.
Third Stage: Performance Coaching
We help facilitate a process to provide on-going feedback to employees that incorporates functional job performance as well as work performance on projects so that all performance measures are evaluated and development gaps are properly identified and addressed.
Fourth Stage: Performance Review
We will customize a Total Performance Review Tool to meet your organizations specific requirements