Webinar: How to Conduct an Effective Project Audit
There is plenty of research indicating the high incidence of project failure and the billions of dollars such failure costs corporations and investors each year. This one-hour bia(TM) webinar explains how to develop a consistent process for auditing projects to get to the source of project delays and other problems so that you can take effective corrective action and save the project. A project audit also provides an opportunity to review and improve the project plan; creating project successes and savings for your department and organization. Research proves that project audits have a direct, positive bottom-line impact for both public and private organizations.
This one-hour webinar explains how to conduct an effective project audit and what elements of a project should be audited. You will learn how to develop and report on the audit findings to senior management in a way that is more likely to garner management support to get them implemented. You’ll also learn about the role of project auditor and who to use to perform this role in your organization or department. There are case study examples of how successful organizations have used project audits to help them overcome challenges with their projects.
You will especially benefit from this webinar if:
- Projects are in crisis and there is lots of fire-fighting.
- Many projects are over-time, over-budget and/or under-resourced.
- Projects are not always aligned with overall corporate straegy.
- There are resource over-allocation issues on strategic and non-priority projects.
- Resources are stretched and not sure where to spend their time.
- There is either inconsistent use of existing project management processes, tools and templates or they are simply not in place.
- There is blame and excuses for poor project management.
- Your department/organization is not seeing a positive impact from projects on its bottom-line and/or its customers.