The President of our client organization had a vision; it was a great and powerful new direction that would bring about a big change in their way of doing business. It would change their customers and the products and services they created for the market. The outcome would require changes in how employees interacted with each other. Unfortunately, employees did not readily accept the President’s new vision for the organization. So the client brought us in to help overcome employee resistance and identify what actions were necessary to increase employee support. As part of our review we held a number of full-day sessions with employees to hear their point of view about the President’s new direction and allow them to express their personal concerns and frustrations. We insisted that all employees would attend. At the sessions, we asked them to tell us about their previous personal experiences with changes that they had seen implemented; what they found difficult to deal with and what could have been done to make these changes happen more successfully. We also explored ideas for how to engage them in creating a future vision for the organization. We presented this employee input in a final report to the management team. This report had a big impact on them. The management team revised their execution plan to include these employee recommendations. And when the new plan was delivered, employees felt motivated and engaged in the execution because they could see how their contribution had impacted the plan.