Effective Meeting Management


Meetings are unpopular because they take up time–usually that of many people. However, there are good meetings and there are bad meetings. Meetings can be an excellent use of time when they have a clear purpose and the moderator does a good job. Unfortunately, the converse is also true, and it seems that time-wasting and poor moderation is far too common.

Session Focus

This workshop provides practical training for effective meeting management with many individual and group activities and exercises to enhance your skills for planning and conducting effective meetings.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who leads meetings

Key Outcomes

  • Learn the roles and responsibilities of the meeting chair, facilitator and general members.
  • Find out how to organize and plan for a productive meeting; defining purpose, who should attend and the goals of the meeting.
  • Learn how to conduct the meeting and set the agenda for optimal effectiveness.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of meeting members.
  • Monitor input from members
  • Discover how to handle group dynamics and assign responsibilities to members.
  • Learn how to take good quality minutes and identify items for the next agenda.
  • Identify follow-up techniques to refer issues and communicate both horizontally and vertically.
  • Find out how to handle conflict and disagreements in meetings.

Course Duration

2 Days